From Clam's very own range of John Pickford evil dwarves: 'Johann'.
Clam offered me some of his old school (but brand new) evil dwarves by John Pickford, if I painted this one for him. A great little bugger... as old school as it get :)
I really hope he likes it - if not, I'll keep him for myself.
Haven't been painting anything else this summer though. Real life has been hard on me, but hopefully things will be better at some point.
I have, however, been following various Kickstarter projects closely. And I must say, the Reaper Bones deal is looking very sweet and tempting... just wish they could ship from Europe, so I didn't have to pay that dreadfull tax... Oh well... Who am I kidding, of course I'll pay - just give me them bones!!
Dead Wood...
4 weeks ago