Wednesday, July 27, 2011

bb elf kicker

Got som commisionjobs that have set my adventurers on stand by... For example this addition to the brown/orange woodelf team of 2. ed blood bowl elves:

Lovely old miniature - only thing that bothers me sculptwise is his left side of the face... a little twisted and odd... but it doesn't show that much, I think.

At the moment I'm working on some griffins for an empirearmy - with green bases! (I have actually never painted bases green before , but these have to fit an existing army)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Doh! My basement was flooded last week because of the insane rain we had... and my 2 blood bowl boards were damaged :( And lots of miniature boxes (though the miniatures themselves were ok). Hope it doesn't rain like that ever again.

Paintwise I have been painting old school miniatures lately! :) I can't show you something right now... I'm waiting for the group shot... and I'm only halfway done. But here's something to hint how old school it is: