And so it came and went... This years Giant Fanatic...
Just got back from Giant Fanatic (gf14). I managed to get the painting of my new skaventeam done in time (saturday morning, 1 hour before kickoff). 18 Players participated, including some of the finest bb-players in Denmark as well as a girl from Rusia (a REAL girl...woman... I'm not kidding!).

I won 4 out of my 7 games, scored 12 touchdowns and made 19 casulties - the casulties gave me the honour of most butchering player (some norse guy didn't turn up for the last two games, and I beat him by one casulty)
I even got the chance to beat my own woodelf team to smithereens :)

Besides being the tournament, where I play my yearly games of blood bowl, GF is also a very impressive Warhammer event (some 150 players). I talked to Tue Kaas, a golden demon winner some years ago, and after having painted a little handful of miniatures a year, he surprised me with this stunning 40k army:

I presume he won best painted, but I didn't stay to find out. Anyway, it looked great!
I also had the pleasure to see 'Tulzifar' from in action - this is a 'dick-train' (?!) that was made for a music video with some danish band - very grotesque

Anyhow, I ended up fourth in the tounament (Mobo won again, this time with some cheesy woodelves... wonder if he ever dares to play some teams that doesn't play themselves, hehe)and I won best painted team as well, even though it was a close call this year (picures of the skaventeam will come when I have the time to take some). It was a great weekend with thousands and thousands of painted miniatures - Great!